Fifth mobility – Greece
REPORT on ERASMUS+ project
Our School Has Love No Violence mobility
Project Number: 2022-1-SI01-KA210-SCH-000081893, KA210-SCH-0009-2022
ACTIVITY: Coping methods with reasons for aggression and organizing of educational environments
DATE OF MOBILITY: 4th–8th March 2024
Participants: Greece, Slovenia (4), Turkey (5)
In March, partner schools from Turkey, Greece and Slovenia have met in Heraklion for the second time. The Greek students have welcomed us at their school facilities where we listened to a school psychologist who presented strategies on how to prevent aggressive behaviors at school. He also presented sample problem prevention studies. We held a discussion and listened to a presentation on Greek normative documents. Partners actively participated and explained their normative documents. We found some similarities and also some differences between the partner countries’ norms and protocols. We examined some practices in the classrooms. The Greek team showed us case studies and presented examples of good practices on methods of dealing with aggression of equals. They presented us students’ facilitators, indicators to monitor individual risk, preventing aggressive behaviors during time. The Greek students presented a story made by their drawings. On Wednesday the Greek team presented their anger control program and ways of praising good behavior at school. We saw examples of games that promote self-control behavior at physical education and participated in a workshop where we were explained how students express their anger verbally and non-verbally. The Greek team presented a short play based on different cases of anger. Later, the school counselor service presented us their observation records, parent interview forms and records. Partners discussed their countries’ educational and observational norms and protocols. On Thursday the partners were introduced to different types of therapy approaches and Greek team’s anger control programme. They showed us one more way of student-parent-teacher collaborating by presenting Cretan Carnival, its history and tradition. On the last day of mobility, we held an activity that focused on different skills acquisition. We held a summary meeting, a discussion on the three guides and the planning activities for the last months of the project.
Greek partners presented their school, the Greek educational system and their way of life to the partners. In the afternoons, we saw many cultural and natural sights (Heraklion, Cretan village Angeia, Rethymnon region and Knossos).