Fourth meeting Slovenia


REPORT on ERASMUS+ project

Our School Has Love No Violence mobility


Project Number: 2022-1-SI01-KA210-SCH-000081893, KA210-SCH-0009-2022

ACTIVITY: Solutions for preventing their activities agression and violence applied to students with special needs


DATE OF MOBILITY: 23rd–27th October 2023

Participants: Greece (6), Slovenia, Turkey (3)



Partner schools from Greece, Slovenia and Turkey met in Rogatec for the second time. After meeting agenda review and introductory project meeting the Slovene school presented the studies they have implemented at their school. The partners examined some practices at school and participated in different activities, such as “Approach of classmates to children with special needs”, “Effective communication practices with students with disabilities: communication activity with a game” and a presentation on making a school a disabled-friendly school. The Slovene partner also presented activities for partners and students to interact together and organized a seminar about inclusive education which was a presentation of another Erasmus+ project they carried out in the past. Partners from Greece and Turkey presented their activities progress and discussed the project’s website, eTwinning and Beneficiary Module. On the last day of mobility, the partners planned the activities for the upcoming months, deadlines and carried out a summary meeting, feedback and discussed some opened questions.


The Slovene partners presented their school and their education system to Greek and Turkish partners. In the afternoons, we saw many cultural and natural sights (Gorenjska region, Maribor, Postojna Cave, Ljubljana and a pilgrimage church St. Rok).