Third meeting Turkey


REPORT: ERASMUS+ project Our School Has Love No Violence


Project Number: 2022-1-SI01-KA210-SCH-000081893, KA210-SCH-0009-2022

ACTIVITY: Dealing with stress, anxiety and fears


DATE OF MOBILITY: 25th–29th September 2023

Participants: Slovenia (5), Turkey


Partner schools from Turkey and Slovenia met in Mersin for their first mobility in September 2023. We held a project meeting where we did a general overview of project activities. We listened to a seminar “Examining the areas of combating stress” and we shared information on breathing exercise therapy. We had a meditation break event and listened to a seminar on how to recognize and accept all emotions. We listened to a seminar about causes of children’s fears and solutions, participated a creative drama activity titled “Let me tell my world”. We visited a Fairytale House and carried out a fairy tale activity about fears and anxieties. We saw an example of an activity about overcoming fears with art. Slovenia presented the progress of their activities. We had a summary meeting, where we discussed the progress of the project. And, on the last day of the mobility, we carried out a video conference with the Greek team to report about the mobility, planned activities for the coming months, and discussed deadlines.

Turkish partners presented their school and the Turkish education system to Slovenian partners. In the afternoons, we have seen many cultural and natural sights (The Maiden Castle, the Mosque, Suntara Waterfall).