The second meeting


The second meeting took place in Greece, more specifically in Heraklion. 


REPORT on ERASMUS+ project

Our School Has Love No Violence mobility


Project Number: 2022-1-SI01-KA210-SCH-000081893, KA210-SCH-0009-2022

ACTIVITY: Coping methods with reasons for aggression and organizing of educational environments



DATE OF MOBILITY: 5th–9th June 2023

Participants: Greece, Slovenia (4), Turkey (3)


Partner schools from Greece, Slovenia and Turkey have met in Heraklion for the first time. On Monday, the Greek students and teachers welcomed us at their school. Then, we listened to a presentation on the causes of aggression and introducing appropriate educational environment. We also listened to a seminar on how to deal aggressive behavior and talked about coping methods used at their school. The partners shared information about their schools’ methods and a discussion about the use of partner countries’ methods developed among partners. We had a presentation on how students experience aggression when it occurs to them and listened to a seminar on how outdoor games strengthen team bonding. The Greek students presented us some of their outdoor activities on team building and bonding. Then, the teachers from partner schools and the Greek students participated in a workshop where we baked local pastry in a bakery shop. It was another excellent presentation of cooperation, positive encouragement and patience among students. Two more activities were carried out, the first on the topic of practicing art with the aim to cope aggression and the second was on the topic of diversity and inclusion. The last day was dedicated to a summary meeting and evaluation of the mobility.

The Greek partners presented their school and their educational system to Slovenian and Turkish partners. In the afternoons, we saw many cultural and natural sights (Heraklion, Natural History Museum, Cretan Aquarium, region of Agios Nikolaos, historical island of Spinalonga and Hersonissos village).