Sixth mobility – Turkey


REPORT: ERASMUS+ project Our School Has Love No Violence


Project Number: 2022-1-SI01-KA210-SCH-000081893, KA210-SCH-0009-2022

ACTIVITY: Dealing with stress, anxiety and fears


DATE OF MOBILITY: 13th–17th May 2024

Participants: Greece (7), Slovenia (4), Turkey



Partner schools from Turkey, Greece and Slovenia have met in Mersin for the second and the last time. We held a project meeting where we did a detailed overview of the project activities. Then, we looked at the studies on muscle relaxation and effects of sports and meditation on reducing stress. We listened to a seminar on topic “Find a reliable listener” and about anxiety disorders in children. We discussed activities about fears “Why am I afraid?” and participated a dance activity where students presented how they reflect their feelings, fears and anxieties to their dance. Also, we participated a seminar on parents. We listened to examples and ideas on how parents can overcome stress and fear. We talked about the progress of the project’s guides, content of project’s website, eTwinning and the Beneficiary Module. On the last day of the mobility, we discussed and planned details about our last activity within the project: final meeting and dissemination studies. Partners said their final goodbye.

Turkish partners presented their school, the Turkish education system and their way of life to the partners. In the afternoons, we have seen many cultural and natural sights (Sea Museum, Yerkopru Falls and Aynaligol Cave, Mersin Archeology Museum, Anamurium Castle & Ancient City).