While all children and teens could benefit, there are some kids who need more support and help to learn coping skills. Here are some of the settings where we can introduce coping skills:

  • to individual students who needs more support (for example: in individual meetings with a school mental health professional, etc)
  • in small group lessons (for example: as part of a small group, lunch group, advisory curriculum, etc.)
  • in SEL lessons in the classroom


When to introduce coping skills

Here are some ideas of good times to introduce coping skills to kids. Administration and teaching staff should think through your own school’s daily and weekly schedule to see what would work best for your environment.

  • At the beginning of the day
  • Advisory Periods
  • Lunch Bunch/Lunch Groups
  • Before/After lunch
  • Before/After Recess
  • At the end of the day
  • At beginning or end of class
  • At a transition time during the class





  • Deep Breathing Strategies
  • Relaxation Strategies
  • Distraction Strategies
  • Movement Strategies
  • Sensory Strategies
  • Processing Skills


Other Helpful Social and Emotional Learning Interventions for School

  • Create a Peace Corner
  • Make a Coping Skills Toolbox


