The counsellor must also talk to the perpetrator and plan activities. Working with the perpetrator is the only way to get them to change their inappropriate behaviours. Important elements of a counselling discussion with the perpetrator are:

– the aim of the discussion is for the perpetrator to understand the reasons for his/her behaviour and to accept responsibility for the violence committed

– the interview is carried out by the head teacher or the school counselling service (the head teacher should be present)

– a record of the interview

– notification to parents

– report to the police or social work centre, if necessary

– referral to external professional institutions if necessary

The use of behavioural and behavioural-cognitive approaches to counselling the perpetrator is effective. Starting from this approach, we set school/classroom rules that apply in dealing with others. In doing so, the rules must be clear and concrete.


For younger children, we mainly use behavioural strategies:

– a calming corner, where the child goes when he is tense or on the verge of an outburst of anger

– an agreed sign to alert others that the child is upset or furious

– training in different anger management skills


An important goal of treating and working with the perpetrator of peer violence is to accepting the consequences of their behaviour.