A process intervention involves a team of experts of school staff whose tasks are precisely defined according to their competences.
All of the following educational professionals are involved in a team convened by the counsellor or the head/assistant head. The convener is also the chair of the team.
The team leader ensures that the decisions are recorded in the form of minutes or an official record. The documentation is confidential. Minutes of team meetings are signed by all those present, and the record of the event is signed by the person who perceived and recorded the event.
In the team, members define the roles of individual practitioners and any cooperation with external institutions (police, social work centre, counselling centre, NGOs). The team assesses whether, in the light of the perceived the perceived violence, certain preventive activities are also needed for the class, grades or the whole educational establishment.
The role of the head teacher:
– always takes note of the incident and is aware of any follow-up procedures within the educational establishment
– interviews the victim and the perpetrator (often) if necessary
– formally informs the relevant institutions, cooperates with external institutions, if necessary (police, social work centre), also with the public and the media
– ensures that professionals are provided with professional support and security if they deem it necessary
– talks to parents
– ensures that the educational establishment is a protective factor for the child
– participates in prevention planning (appoints a team)
The role of the educator (the teacher):
– ensures that the educational establishment is a protective factor for the child
– if the child trusts him/her or chooses him/her as a confidant, maintains the confidant status
the person is kept as a confidential person
– plans work with the departmental teaching staff, ensures that the child is provided with appropriate
support mechanisms
– if the child’s difficulties are undermining his/her academic performance, provide him/her with appropriate learning support appropriate support
– plan sand works with the class
The role of the advisory service:
– leads the team in the educational establishment,
– conducts counselling discussions with the victim and the perpetrator,
– ensures that the educational establishment is a protective factor for the child,
works with the head teacher (keeping him/her informed, helping to plan the way forward)
– cooperates with teachers/educators/technicians,
– cooperates with parents,
– plans prevention (including training of teachers/educators),
– works with the class,
– cooperates with external institutions in agreement with the head teacher
- PROTOKOLI ZA RAVNANJE. MEDVRSTNIŠKO NASILJE: https://www.gov.si/assets/ministrstva/MVI/SRI/NASILJE/Protokol_medvrstnisko_nasilje.pdf
- https://www.gov.si/assets/ministrstva/MVI/SRI/NASILJE/Kako-do-spodbudnega-in-varnega-ucnega-okolja.pdf
- NAVODILA S PRIROČNIKOM ZA OBRAVNAVO MEDVRSTNIŠKEGA NASILJA V VZGOJNOIZOBRAŽEVALNIH ZAVODIH: https://www.zrss.si/digitalnaknjiznica/navodila-medvrstnisko-nasilje-viz-2016/files/assets/common/downloads/publication.pdf