When deciding on a form of violence prevention in education we must first define the path and steps to take to address it. Effective and professional treatment of the violent act committed is the best The messages that the management of the educational establishment...
Zero tolerance of violence. We believe the victim. Individual experience of violence: we don’t judge violence by your own feelings and experiences. Violent behaviour is a choice. The perpetrator is responsible for the violence. We do not minimise violence. We...
Learning how to manage stress and deal with life’s ups and downs is a process that continues throughout our entire lives. You can find a number of tips on the following strategies on this website:...
A child is at risk when they are at risk of harm as a result of a particular violent or prolonged, deliberate violence by peers, his or her dignity and physical or sexual integrity are violated. Threats are emotional, physical, material or sexual. The child feels...
– The most noticeable trait is aggressiveness. – They are often violent towards adults (parents, teacher/carer). – He is characterised by impulsivity and a strong need to control others. – Has positive attitudes towards violence. – Cannot...