Changes in the relationship attitudes towards school, academic performance, the child’s involvement

The child:

– cries in the evening, complains of pain, refuses to go to school, expresses fear and anxiety

– is afraid to come to or leave school

– starts to miss school unexcused

– academic performance deteriorates

– changes his/her usual routine, arriving late or very early

– persuades parents to accompany him/her to school and wait for them at the end of school

– scared to go to the toilet, to ride the school bus school bus, on excursions, camps


Changed behaviour towards classmates/peers, teachers/educators, in classroom, family

The child:

– withdraws into himself, communicates less with others, seems absent

– shows more anxiety than other children

– is sensitive, calm, cautious

– suffers from low self-esteem and has a generally poor self-image of himself and his situation

– when attacked, reacts by crying (especially in in the lower grades) and withdrawal

– is lonely and rejected at school

– is picked last in group games

– has no real friends in the department at school

– the stress he/she experiences usually affects academic performance and participation in lessons

– is often in close proximity to the teacher/educator (during breaks, on excursions)

– becomes aggressive, disrupts lessons

– is suddenly becomes irritable and rough

– starts stealing money from home or from others to other children (this is requested by the perpetrator)

– refuses to talk or makes up unbelievable stories story to get them to leave him alone

– does not take classmates/peers home, only rarely plays in the schoolyear

– does not have a single good friend, with one single friend to spend his free time with

– sleeps restlessly, has bad dreams, cries in in his sleep

– runs away from home, resorts to addiction


Physical injuries, deteriorating health, psychosomatic problems

The child:

– has unexplained bruising, abrasions and other injuries

– his/her chronic illnesses worsen, disorders

– stuttering, tics, various disorders

– seems agitated, stops eating, does not gaining weight

– more frequent illness – longer absences longer absences from school

– talks about suicide or even attempts it committing suicide


Damaged personal property, material damage

The child:

– “loses” a piece of clothing during the day, a piece of clothing or footwear is lost or damaged

– has no money for a snack, on an excursion, for other commitments

– has a damaged or lost phone

– school property is damaged or destroyed, school supplies or other personal effects